Professional Coaching Services:

Helping you Navigate Change

Are you in the dawn of a life change? If so, we can help you find inner peace as you adjust to a new normal.


Are You Experiencing A Significant Change In Your Life?

Our lives are full of changes, both welcome and unwelcome. Personal changes and transitions are a natural part of life, and professional coaching services from Dawn of Changes can provide an empowering, supportive system to help you navigate your change. You don’t have to go through significant life shifts alone.

Dawn of Changes’ mission is to support people effectively in a safe and nonjudgmental space during difficult life changes. This partnership offers the opportunity to:

  • Gain clarity in the upheaval
  • Experience inner peace
  • Explore possible new destinations
  • Map a strategic path to the destination chosen
  • Navigate to your destination using small, doable goals
  • Build and maintain sustainable momentum 
  • Progress steadily in your personal and professional endeavors
  • Emerge as a self-confident, purposeful person 

Let’s Partner Together!

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Family Change

Marital Separation/Divorce/Reconciliation
Unexpected Pregnancy
Empty Nesting
Adult Children Moving Back In
Death of a Loved One

Lifestyle Change

Long-term Care of Family Member
Loss from Natural Disaster
Sudden Financial Gains or Loss
Prison Term

Health Change

Major Illness/Injury
Aging Issues
Questioning Faith/Spiritual Awakenings
Revision in Eating/Exercise
Change in Lifestyle Habits

Career Change

Unscheduled Retirement
Sudden Disability
Obsolete Skills/Job Change
Improving Work–Life Balance

Hello, I’m Dawn!

Like you, I have experienced many life changes. Some of these transitions were exciting while others were painful. They all had one thing in common. Each challenge offered an opportunity for personal growth. Every life transition I experienced improved my ability to adjust to new ones in the future.

I discovered supporting others specifically in their transitions is a passion of mine. It resonates deep in my soul. I have had both formal and practical training that brings a unique blend to my coaching process.

Relationship Coaching for Family Changes

Changes in a family structure include both foreseen and unforeseen changes. Relationship coaching can guide you through the process of marital change, including separation, divorce, and reconciliation. Maybe you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, planning to adopt or foster children, or preparing to be empty nesters. Sometimes adult children move back in with you, or your world is shattered by the death of a loved one. Click here for more information about relationship coaching for overcoming the challenges of family structure changes.

Experienced Lifestyle Coaching

If you are going through a significant lifestyle change, it can create countless other challenges, small and large. Some common lifestyle changes include moving and relocation, a sudden change in financial circumstances, loss from a house fire or other natural disaster, and long-term care of a loved one. Lifestyle coaching provides proper support and tools for overcoming challenges so you can face these major life changes head-on.

Coaching Services for Personal Health Changes

Significant changes in health take place throughout our lives. Some are expected, such as aging, and some are unexpected, including major injuries or a new diagnosis of chronic illness. If you are working through challenges impacting your physical health, mental health, or spiritual wellness, coaching services provide structure, tools, and compassion to aid you on your journey. Proactively managing changes makes a great deal of difference in the long-term impact they have on overall wellness. If you desire to create change in your physical health by adjusting your eating, exercise, or other physical lifestyle habits, online life coaching provides accountability, support, and confidence.
silhouette of woman on beach excited about a career change

Online Life Coaching for Career Changes

If you are facing a challenging career change, or if you desire a career change, but feel stuck in your current job, an online life coach provides support and guidance for this important life-changing transition. Life coaching from Dawn of Changes can help you process and face unexpected career changes including layoffs or unemployment, unscheduled retirement, sudden disability, and the need for a career change due to obsolete skills in our rapidly changing job market. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation appointment. 

See Our Client’s Success Stories